Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tales of Covid19

I have been busy today - since my very late rising. (more of that later)

Yesterday on the Nextdoor site there were requests for masks.  During the most recent fires I ordered both an air filter and 2 boxes of N95 masks.  No sooner did I receive both items than the air cleared.  I packed the masks away in a storage area knowing there will be more fires.  Of course I had no idea there would be a pandemic.

On the site there were a few places one can donate masks to.  I emailed both sites, and still have not heard back from either.  This morning, while drinking my coffee I received a text message from a friend from the kibbutz to ask if we can speak.  Immediately I called him, and he told me that he is on  a whats app group with people from his age group on the kibbutz who live in the states.  One of them is a girl (woman of course) who is a home occupational therapist in my area.  She asked whether they had masks as Kaiser is not giving them any because there aren't any!  Firstly I knew exactly who he was talking about (that too is another story), and of course I could give her masks,  I would be delighted to. He gave her my phone number and she called within the hour.  We arranged for her to pick them up. She texted me from outside the house and I went up the driveway with the sealed masks which I had put into a paper bag. I handed them over. We mutually gave each other virtual hugs, then she brought out a loaf of bread which she makes, (in a plastic bag) and handed it to me.   I hadn't expected anything at all, but was so touched.  I also thought how all this is, as I have said, like a dystopian movie in which people cannot be in contact with anyone and we barter goods and services.

The only other time I emerged today was when my daughter came with the groceries she had bought for me from Trader Joe's.

I haven't gone on my walk because it is cold and rainy - ideal weather for the delicious vegetable soup I made, along with a slice of her bread, which is really excellent.  Organic sourdough, fresh from the oven.

I had made a large pot of soup and doled out some for my landlords and left it on their back porch. We are like moles appearing quickly out of our holes, then back down we go.  If we do pass people on the pavement or the street we cross to the other side, avoiding each other like the plague, which is exactly what this is.

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