Monday, March 23, 2020

A week? two? three? forever?

I am totally losing track of time.   Our world has changed completely and utterly in such a very short space of time.  I think all the inhabitants are in a state of shock, anxiety, and re-adjustment.  No one really has any idea of how long this will last, who has been infected, how they will survive.

For me this is so eerily similar to the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War when our world completely changed at 2o' clock on the afternoon of the 6th October 1973.

I remember how it was then, to wake up from a night's sleep having been, for that time, in a different state of consciousness.  Then, as one awakens and returns to their present state, 'reality' begins to filter through.  I wake in the morning and lie in bed thinking, 'what day is it? I can't quite remember, and then it dawns upon me that I have woken to a new world, the corona/covid 19 world, and it really doesn't matter when I get up, each day is the same.

I clean my house, because that is what I do when the outside world is chaotic, that is how I maintain my sense of order and control. So I clean the house, wash my dishes, go on long walks.  As I have said, my area is beautiful, even more so now as spring has arrived - officially in fact.  The air is filled with scents of honey, the birds seem much louder than before, and when I am still and sit in a park under the trees, I hear the hum of bees and the insects.  Nature is unphased by the virus.

Yesterday my 'daughter' and I went on a beautiful walk, and as we walked down Stockton Avenue toward my house we both looked at each other and said, 'the fire season will start soon.'  That too is our new reality.

I am so blessed to have her nearby. She insists that I not go out except for walks and will do my shopping for me.  I feel truly blessed to have her in my life.

It seems most people I know, anyway, have been solicitous and helpful, and have come together in new ways.  I am heartened until I turn on the TV and see the idiot give his 'briefings' while Pence, and the White House doctor and other officials hover together around one microphone in direct contrast to the social distancing we are supposed to observe.  What kind of modeling is this?  Okay, enough of that for the entire day.  Not worth getting upset about.

OK, I am off for my walk, more later

1 comment:

Johana said...

Nesta it's wonderful you were able to share your mask. There is a lesson in this pandemic for mankind. I am also on Nextdoor and it is so heartwarming reading about all of the acts of kindness by strangers to strangers. I hope once this is over we don't go back to our old habits.

Stay safe!
