Sunday, March 29, 2020

Coronarial Days

Soooooooooooooooooooooo frustrated, because I thought I had at last nailed how to download (upload) whatever load, photos to my blog.  Now I have lost it again.

OK, so a post without pictures.  Hopefully there will eventually be some photos, because this spring is magnificent.

These strange days, as I have said - I awake and do not know the day, or the date, nothing really seems to matter.  Once again time has lost - for me anyway - the meaning it had before.  This strange new way of being seems to have been going on for ever, and it is all in the now. The news of the spread of the virus, and the numbers of the infected and the dead change by the minute, along with the most recent states and countries affected.

The other day, instead of going on my usual constitutionals, always to a new area of course, I found a playing field not too far from here.  I walked down the steps to the field and started walking around and around.  I saw the same faces walking round, just like me, but everyone seemed to be avoiding me, like I had the plague or something.  Then it dawned on me - it IS the plague, this is our new reality, and this is social distancing.  One sees a fellow human and walks around, avoiding them.

As I walked around I started to wonder whether this is a form of insanity - like a rat, around and around in circles, with no treat in sight, except for this high step count on my phone! 

Ye Gods and little Englishmen - I will try again ...............

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