Saturday, September 2, 2023

Something Very Strange

 Every now and then I look at the stats on my blog - I can see how many people have viewed it, and the number of comments (very rare).  Over the past couple of months, if these stats are to be believed, which of course they obviously aren't, it would appear that thousands of people have read my posts.  I cannot see in which countries or areas these people live, and as there are no more comments than usual, I find it impossible to believe.  Something must be wrong with the set up, but I haven't attempted to change anything on the settings - I wouldn't dare!!!!!!  I am technologically challenged.

At the end of June I lost a large amount of files on my computer that I had neatly filed into appropriate boxes which I had opened over the years.  I just couldn't find anything.  All empty, gone ---- into the ether. I do have a back up time machine, and everyone assured me it should be there. Those who know about these things attempted to help, with zooms, remote viewings, screen sharings. Nothing, nader - 6 weeks now of trying and nothing has been restored. I went through all the stages of grief; horror, denial, shock, anger, bargaining, sadness, self anger and guilt (these are MY stages, not necessarily those of Elizabeth Kubler Ross) despair, and although not acceptance, resignation.

When I moved to Israel I did not bring any electrical appliances because the electrical requirements here are different.  Because of the above terrible loss which apparently thousands of people are reading about, and my state of resignation, I decided to buy a printer.  The reason being that I will revert to old time storage of papers and real - not virtual files.

This week I bought a printer and yesterday managed to install it and connect it to my wi fi.  Now I know many readers will look at this and think - so what, anyone can do that.  I can assure you, NOT anyone can and I feel very proud of myself.

And from now on all important information will be printed out and filed away.  Of course it will also be on my computer.  I only hope that somehow I can keep hold of these records.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thousands of-fans and no data solutions? Sounds like the data box is ready for Tashlich! So sorry of all the resultant grief.