Sunday, September 17, 2023

Sunday/Rosh Hashana

 Firstly, to everyone, a sweet and fulfilling new year.

This card is from a painting I did.  I took a photo of the painting and edited it to make this card.  Once I completed the painting I obliterated it with a few coats of gesso, so that I can reuse the board.  

Today is the second day of Rosh Hashana.  The only holiday in Israel that is celebrated for two days, and because the first day was Saturday, today is Sunday so it feels like a normal weekend (normal, that is, for those of us who remember having two day weekends.)

And, as with everything this past year, it wasn't quite the Rosh Hashana we had planned for the family - but I apologise as I cannot go into details.  However, we did the best we could to mark the new year.

And, of course, next weekend is Yom Kipur. It is 50 years since The Yom Kipur War - the War which changed my life, and the lives of countless people, forever.  I have blogged about this incessantly over the years. Because it is 50 years, the TV stations are showing endless discussions and clippings of the war.  There are interviews with the commanders and generals still alive, and the soldiers who survived.  Endless discussions about the mistakes that were made.  The film about Golda is now on the circuit. I am not watching anything on TV, nor will I see Golda.  I will go to the kibbutz for Yom Kipur. 

May this year 5784 bring a ray of hope to all the people on this planet, and to our beloved planet itself.


Anonymous said...

Yes, we hold up one another’s hope, so very much needed.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous card, thank you, Nesta. Loving wishes crom Apollo, too.