Friday, May 28, 2021

Crazy Circles

Today while walking my crazy circles I contemplated the circular nature of all things, but most especially of my life at this time.  I HOPE this is a time that will pass.

My life  is circumscribed by putting drops in my eyes.   In my right eye I am now putting in drops 4 x day (three weeks ago it was 8 x day - so this is an improvement.). In both my eyes are different drops which I put in 4 x day.  I have now been prescribed yet more drops for my right eye, they will be coming in the mail and I think those will be 2 x day!  Thank goodness  I have Siri who dutifully reminds me of the times.  This routine doesn't leave much time for anything else.

I suffer from chronic glaucoma.  I wouldn't normally say suffer, but that is how I am presently feeling. I have had several surgeries in both eyes - (and learned a new vocabulary) - trabulectomies and blebs were words I didn't know.  And now even a new frustration with this.  I am addicted to the spelling bee in the New York Times and do it daily.  Finding words in 7 letters.  I often find bleb - but this is not considered a word by the powers that be (Sam Ezersky if you ever read this, please take note). 

In addition to the surgeries I have used drops and suffered a torture called needling.  And this continues and continues and continues, for the past 25 years! Round and round and round we go

A friend took me to my eye appt. at Kaiser the other day.  After we eventually found her car she drove around and around the parking structure unsure whether we would exit. (At least on this matter I could assure her that we would, eventually, get out. Just as soon as she completed her driving in circles.)

I love knitting.  My neighbourhood knitting shop re-opened a couple of weeks ago (yayyyyyyyy) and I purchased a lovely shawl pattern with yarn.  I was really excited at the thought of making gifts. Well, it is a pattern I am unfamiliar with - lace, and I have now started and ripped it out more times than I can even count. Round and round and round we go


1 comment:

Marianna said...

I'll drive in circles with you anytime! :)