Monday, June 21, 2021

Unsettled Blah

What a strange title?

What a strange world we are living in?

The most apt way I can find to describe my present state is unsettled, and blah.

Supposedly California has turned a corner on Covid.  How do we really know? -  The whole situation is fluid.   Israel was doing so very well, and now 45 children are infected with the Delta variant and 9 adults who were fully vaccinated.  As I have said before - our world has changed, and 'opening up' does not mean everything is back to life as it was.  We are living through a universal experiment. 

I for one haven't shed my mask or gone to the cinema - maybe it is uber cautious - who knows? I will do what makes me feel most comfortable.

The most difficult things I am going through are my eye issues, and the health of people near and dear to me. 

I say near - but they are in far flung places, and it is  difficult to be physically so far away.

So --- blah

1 comment:

ChuChu said...

Yes, strange times, unfamiliar territory. Thank you, Nesta, for putting this to words. We have access to a daily tsunami of information, experts weighing in through articles and discussions, but ultimately we need to decide what our comfort level is. Assessing the risk in each proposed activity is truly complex, certainly exhausting, maybe impossible. So uber careful is good; your friends want you healthy! And yes, the persisting magnified uncertainty is wearing, evokes cocktails of blah, ugghhh, oy, and their ilk . Illness and suffering of your dear ones is your suffering. Your heart aches with them, for them. You are deeply connected, living for and with beloved ones. Thank you for remembering to treasure beauty where you find it. We do live in great beauty and must life out hearts, raise our eyes to take it in.