Saturday, May 22, 2021

Ceasefire ???????

Well, a ceasefire - another ceasefire - endless bloody ceasefires.   Both sides claiming victories - of what???????  No one has gained a thing.  Lives lost, buildings and homes destroyed - again.  And how long will this present ceasefire hold?  

I feel hopeless, as I did when this all began - both sides accusing the other of starting this latest round. Hamas sents its 4,000 and counting missiles first, but they insist Israel began this by stoking the unfortunate incidents on El Aksa.  These incidents, Israel insists were stoked by Hamas who wants to gain control of the West Bank and take over from Fatah.  Hamas insists that ..................

An Orwellian nightmare of a constant state of war - no one even remembering who is fighting whom and why.  And of course the civilians suffer everywhere.  And the amount of money that goes into these weapons and counter weapons.  Imagine if that money were spent on peacetime pursuits like education, public health, the environment -  just imagine.

One thing that does sustain me are the demonstrations for solidarity in Israel.  They are loud and ongoing - just maybe - one day - the voices of cooperation will be heard.

1 comment:

ChuChu said...

Amen and amen, Nesta. This War is so completely senseless. David Grossman’s talk at last night’s demonstration in Tel Aviv is an inspiration!