Monday, May 23, 2022

Once Again

Almost a month since my last post ... hence the title.  Once again it has been a long time between posts, and I know how everyone is hanging on with bated breath, desperate for another entry.

For those of you who have read between the lines - yes, indeed, I will be leaving the US of A.  I have been here for 42 years!!!!! Longer than I have lived anywhere.  42 years of being ambivalent - or, a term I coined, 'trivalent' (South Africa, Israel, and USA).  I am sure that being ambivalent, or feeling torn, or not quite at home, is the lot of any immigrant - no matter the reason for their immigration.   

I rent an apartment.  My landlords, who are sometimes here, and sometimes in their other homes, returned for the summer about a week ago.  Although legally I have to give a month's notice,  I told them 6 months in advance. Apparently it was the push they needed - they have decided to sell this lovely home, and are in the process of looking into all that this will entail.  They have lived here 42 years - and they are from England.  I have South African friends who have lived here 30 years.  They too have decided to leave.

I alternate between being exhilarated and anxious!  I have begun the process of clearing out my physical space, which I did when I moved to my present apartment  six years ago!  Books, beads, yarn, paints, - I am just skimming the surface.  Quite alarming to realise what one accumulates, again and again and again.

And I am by no means a hoarder!!!

I have alternated the clearing process with goodbyes to dear dear friends.  Last week I spent in Texas - a guest of a most precious soul - days spent with food and wine and spirits of all sorts - and ..... yes to the disbelievers, I really had a great time in Texas!!!!! 

I ramble on ...........


ChuChu said...

No, a hoarder you are not. There is nothing quite like the clearing required when moving to another country today. I think, by contrast, of the organs and immense pieces of furniture and requisite furnishings that colonialists would ship to their destination continents in order to transport their way of life and rituals. To review every item in your possession is to review what your still have and what you have acquired since the last clearing. Your possessions become up to date, but the shedding is more severe this time, and objects are regarded with a fiercer eye as your beautiful trivalent life unfolds with love and grace.

Johana said...

Wow, 42 years is a long time! I hope you will continue to write your blog after your move. Your writing brings me joy!