Thursday, May 26, 2022

A Rant

 I am on a rant - again.  Two days ago 21 school children and a teacher were killed in Uvalde in Texas. This evening on the news report the newscaster questioned some children who were in the classroom and survived, and some parents and she said "Tis is a community still in mourning ....." STILL what the hell does she think, they haven't even begun to process this horror - they are in shock - the mourning and anger and grief and disbelief only begin much later - and in fact, will never end. How dare she say STILL in mourning.

And the gun rights advocates ----- I have no words.

And then this morning (NOT mourning, morning) on one of my favourite NPR shows, the commentator had a program about the violence against minorities.  The Asian Pacific atrocities, the Black atrocities, and now all these children are from a predominantly Latino community  -  yes, all these communities have suffered hate crimes, shootings, etc. especially in these last dreadful two and a half years.  What she didn't even mention was hate crimes against Jews who have also suffered shootings, beatings, vandalism, etc.  Why is violence against Jews often not mentioned or written about?   I am sorry if I seem overly sensitive, but this omission in itself feels like a form of anti semitism.

EVERYONE is suffering - as white supremacy reigns.  Let us acknowledge this. 

1 comment:

Johana said...

I agree Nesta, all of these groups are suffering and very little is being done to stop it!