Monday, April 6, 2020

More Covid 19 thoughts

I have no idea of how long this new way of living has been going on for. As I said in a previous entry, everything is becoming a blur. I do know that every now and then during a day, or an evening, or a morning, after I wake, that it  strikes me that we are all in an entirely different world. And it happened so very fast.  We are living in a PANDEMIC. The word itself is not quite real, it comes from a world of illusion - movies, science fiction,  how does it even pertain to the world we inhabited just a short while ago.

I have donated masks which I ordered after our horrendous fires - and yes, the fires will come again, lets not forget that!

I handsewed a mask which I will don when I next venture out. Life in my lovely home is OK, I have beautiful views, I can still go on walks outside, which I do.  Spring is here and things don't look so unreal. The other morning I decided to drive into Berkeley, and after I returned to my sanctuary I realized that I was quite depressed from what I saw, or rather, didn't see.  Closed shops, masked gloved people in a line outside Trader Joe's and Target.  No people - just the ubiquitous homeless, and their encampment near the freeway on frontage road looks the same. Filthy, cluttered, bicycle parts, overturned shopping carts, dogs, an occasional bedraggled looking soul.

The apocalypse is upon us.

But for me it is the smallest most ridiculous things that make my day, like yesterday - a cold, rainy day.  I felt like something with a cup of tea, but wasn't sure what I wanted until I remembered that I had ordered Ouma rusks from the African Hut and they arrived last week.  What joy, what happiness, what excitement.  It doesn't take much.

And now I think of the Seder.  Easily condensed - only one question is necessary and the youngest doesn't have to ask because they wouldn't know. This present is all they know and they love it - being with family all the time.

How is this night different from all other nights?

Easy peasyl

And we don't need 10 plagues  - one is sufficient - dayenu!

We are still in bondage - to Covid 19. We have to be in bondage, to save us all.

When the time for freedom and liberation comes, we will know.  It is not upon us yet.

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