Saturday, November 28, 2015


I did begin a new post after I quit my job. and had surgery the day after.
Yes, what a way to begin retirement, or something new, we know not yet what! I was going to explain my comment in my previous post about work ending with a bang, but ..... guess what, I have no desire to write about it. It is over!
I had surgery the day after I finished to remove a digital mucous cyst from my left index finger. I had made grandiose plans for the days after surgery, but when I awoke in the middle of the night in really bad pain I realized I would not be doing anything for a while.
Three weeks later and I am much much better, the 'thing' is gone, and I have movement in my finger and am knitting again, so all is well with the world. (! - my immediate little world)
I do find myself wondering how the kids are faring in their new programs, and even pick up the phone to call their parents, but then I put it down again. I must let go.  The same thing when I drive to Richmond to see the doctor, or to pick up yarn. My car wants to veer off on its own accord to their homes!
So yes, I am entering a new phase of life. The change is enormous, and it will take quite a while to find my new way and to feel OK with not working. I realize that in this society  we are defined by what we do, when we are in actual fact, far more than that.
So for now, while I think about 'what next' I am content with my art classes, reading, watching movies, working out,  meeting up with friends, knitting, enjoying the season to hibernate and ....... thinking 'what next.?'

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