Saturday, April 1, 2023


 Today is April Fool's Day.  In Hebrew it is Nisan - the month of spring, hope, renewal, passover.  The root of the word is Nes  (I am not kidding) which means miracle.

For me today the Nes is the quiet of shabat (where I live).  The cool air, the mild sun, the beautiful clouds, the fragrance of the trees and flowers that are blossoming. The pink blossoms of the almond trees, the uplifting fragrance of a shrub with light purple flowers whose name I do not know. The jasmine. The cooing of the doves, the chirping of the birds.  It truly does feel like a miracle amidst the turbulence and upheaval, the insecurity, and the fear that surrounds us.  We know we are on the very edge of a precipice, will we grasp and eat the strawberry, or will we fall to the bottom of the abyss?  Even the weather forecast portends the coming of a chamsin, (a heatwave) just in time for the seder.

So I choose to enjoy today, to walk outside, to sit on my balcony and read, and continue with my pastel painting.

Shabat shalom

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