Friday, August 9, 2024

Waiting Game - Day 308

Iran, Nasrallah,  The Hezbollah, Hamas - terrorists, yes, certainly.  They are also geniuses of psychological terrorism. 

The nation waits - what will come next? when will it come? How will it come? Will it come?

Where? when? Are we ready? Who is lying to whom? Which airlines are flying? Which airlines aren't flying? Will civilians be hurt? Where are all the army bases? Are our shelters strong enough? Will there be electricity? Won't there? What about the hostages? We are close to a deal, we are far from a deal, yet again. 

WHY is Bibi opposed to a deal? What the hell is wrong with Smotrich and Ben Gvir? How did we get here? What is going to happen?  

And in the meantime life continues - do we go to a demonstration or don't we? Is it safe or wise to visit Druze families in Majdal-Shams? Is it safe or wise to go to a museum in Tel Aviv? Jerusalem? Herzlia? Should we meet friends on the beach? Arabic homework is so difficult this week. What am I doing at my age sitting down with an exercise book struggling with homework?  What art will I work on now? Oils, watercolours? Maybe nothing. To go to yoga or not go to yoga? Which shelter to go to?

And on top of it so many people here have come down with corona - because they did go on an outing together, and attended lectures and classes together. And the heat - the hottest June and July since records began. 

But thank goodness - the Olympics continues - please don't let it finish. Then comes the question, what to watch? What will save us?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, Nesta, that last comment, “what will save us” struck me in the guts. I can imagine how all this stress and uncertainty must be making people despondent. The Olympics are now over. What are you watching. For this side of the world, Netanyahu, Smotrich and Ben Gvir sound as dangerous as Trump. Vasbyt as we said in another life and love to you. Sandy