Wednesday, May 10, 2023

A Day in the LIfe Of

 Or, rather, a couple of days in the life of ......

I may have mentioned before that life as we know it, begins in Israel on Sunday, and if I haven't, I have mean to ..... every week!

The weekday begins Sunday, and I find this very confusing.  By the time it is Tuesday I am sure it is Thursday.  Somehow the whole order of life with its routines just doesn't feel right.

This week I woke up on Sunday with a blood red right eye.  I looked like half a devil.  What is odd is that it is presently my left eye that is badly infected and I have been using antibiotic drops in it for a week. That eye I can't open in the morning as it is stuck together - all disgusting.  I cleaned my stuck left eye which opened and then I saw my devilish red eye.  I had no pain in it, and I could see, and anyway I knew I had an appt. with the eye doctor on Wednesday. I was OK with this - but I live in a place of opinionated people.  From my first public appearance I was bombarded with - ' go to the doctor,' 'go to the clinic,' 'call emergency' 'go to hospital' 'get an ambulance.'  I spent the day telling people that I had a doctor's appt. on Wednesday, I don't have an emergency, I am OK  LEAVE ME ALONE

Monday morning my eye was still red but my left eye felt like there might be something pressing on the eyeball, but I didn't see anything. In the afternoon, as I was diligently cleaning my eyes, I lightly pressed under the left eye, on the eyeline and a fountain of pus erupted.  I was HORRIFIED.  I cleaned and cleaned and applied compresses, canceled an appointment for the museum the next day and tended to this revolting situation.  I could still see, and I had the upcoming appt.  On Tuesday afternoon I arranged for a taxi to pick me up Wednesday morning at 8.30.  This was arranged through the reception in my presence. Tuesday morning I awoke to hear on the news that Israel had struck Gaza - civilians were killed.  Wednesday morning no further news, also no taxi.  I waited - then told reception and at the last minute another taxi came. 

Got to the doctor in the nick of time - surprise! infections.  Drops, treatment, caught a taxi back and lay down for 2 hours. I awoke to the news that rockets have been sent from Gaza to the center of Israel, and the activity that was planned for tonight  - Lag B'Omer - eating outside, singing, watching firedancers, has been cancelled. We know where our shelters are - planes are not allowed to fly into Israel. A war, again.

And it is only Wednesdayl ---

And that is a synopsis of a day in the life of .......

1 comment:

Johana said...


I hope your eyes are okay. I was thinking it was just a case of pink eye, boy was I off! I'm sending prayers for your safety. Thank you for keeping us posted so we know that you are okay!

