Thursday, October 27, 2022

A Brand New Chapter

 Goodbye to my previous chapter. 

These photos with the children are in the very home where my life in America began 42 years ago!!!!!!!!! The children were not here at that time, but their parents were.  They picked me up at San Francisco airport.  I have known their mother for 50 years.  She took me back to the airport again, and took the photos of me leaving!!!!!!

And now 

Here I am in Israel.

Physically I arrived Saturday night.  Spiritually I am between worlds, between lives, between time zones. Officially I m-a-y be here by the end of November - hopefully with the necessary documents required for my new life here.

So please don't ask, and I know everyone is asking from a place of love and concern, and sincere enquiry - "Are you settled?"   Of course I am not settled.  It will take a long time for the clouds and sands of time and world to begin to settle and reshape.  

I felt loved and supported in the farewells, and I feel loved and supported in the welcomes.  This is enough for now.

1 comment:

Johana said...

It's nice to read your latest blog. I always look forward to them. I'm glad you made it to Israel safely. Good luck as you adjust to all of the changes and slowly get settled.
