Thursday, September 8, 2022

The End of an Era

 I was born in a country which was part of the Commonwealth.  

We were raised with singing God Save The Queen in morning hymns.  It was played in the bioscope.  We didn't have television in South Africa, but the grainy footage in black and white of the coronation was shown in the bioscope.  I had colouring in books of the Royal family and their pets - the Corgis, and the Queen's horses. South Africa left the Commonwealth in 1961,  but our interest in the monarchy has not waned.  

And so this morning found me in Marshalls, looking at luggage when my phone chimed.  It was my sister, and her first words were "where are you?"    I knew something had happened and immediately my mind began clicking onto all the dreadful scenarios I could come up with.  

"The Queen died."   

And so we have reached the end of an era.

1 comment:

Johana said...

It's so interesting to read about her death from the perspective of one that grew up under a monarchy.