Saturday, December 11, 2021

And Now?

 Eye surgery is over.  Done. Completed. Finished. 

I now can see - After all I have endured concerning my eyes I lost sight (forgive the pun) that the reason for these procedures is to restore my sight. Suddenly I see the word in sharp focus, like 3-D vision. The white walls in my apartment are blindingly white - I had no idea.  The sunsets which are always spectacular are out of this world glorious.  Of course glimpsing myself in the mirror is quite revelatory as well, to say the least.  I said to a friend that this is like painting a wall in your home, or getting a new sofa,  suddenly the entire home has to be redone!  

Deep gratitude for this outcome and for the wonders of modern medicine.

It will be interesting to see how this affects my painting.  In the meantime my teacher in England has covid and is on a break, and my teacher around the corner has vertebral fractures and is on a break.  Because of my eyes I was on a break - but today I have determined to begin.  I also determined to blog - briefly.  

So this is brief but grateful update.

1 comment:

ChuChu said...

Bravo! BRava! The life force presses on - to create, to express, to add beauty.