Saturday, January 11, 2020

About Time

Happy 2020!!!!!!! 

Goodness, I remember the year 2000 so well because it was just the other day.

How did this happen so fast.  Which brings me back to my constant ruminations on time, the nature of time, the quality of time, the reality of time, our illusory outlook on time.

2020 so far, Iran, impeachment, inditement (Netanyahu), and most telling and tragic of all
Australia and the fires.  The land , the animals, the people.

If these events are not wake up calls, we had better change our alarm clocks.

There are those, many in fact, who do see, and do hear, and do understand the consequences of our actions, and those who persist with their blinders on and dollar signs in front of their eyes.

Pity the people who do not see.

And as for me, I try to fathom the digital challenges with which life presents me.

The latest is trying to figure out my scanner which is part of my printer. 

And so, I sit at my desk and notice it needs dusting and rearranging of papers.  Some to be filed, some to be destroyed. Articles waiting to be read, oh yes, I need to check my bank accounts, And then I need to rearrange some more.  How did everything become so cluttered.  And then my landlords' gardeners did some cutting and mowing and sweeping and stuff entered my windows and my sill and my desk are covered in leaves and branches, which reminds me to sweep the hibiscus flowers and leaves from my front door, and to change the hummingbird nectar, and while I am at it I should check on when and how to prune the hibiscus tree. 

Now, why did I begin my sitting at my desk, oh yes, to check on the scanner.  Maybe I should just send the forms I am completing by mail.  Is mail still being used.  Is it opened on the other end.  Here we are, 2020, and these questions confound me.  And now I shall check on the scanner.

1 comment:

Johana said...

No matter how chaotic our world we still have to take care of the little things!

I recall 2000 was going to be the end of the world, all the computers were going to crash. So much has changed in those 20 years.