Saturday, May 25, 2024

What I'm Doing


I took the photo of this Sylvia Protea in my friend's garden in Tiburon.  Recently I drew it using colour pencils.

This is a photo I took in a street in a village

I did this in pastels from a photo of Mt. Legogoto in Northern Gauteng. The photo was in the Daily Maverick, an online South African newspaper.

I work in a food bank packing large crates of vegetables.  I found these 2 interesting looking eggplants.

From one of the Saturday night demonstrations in Tel Aviv

And on Thursday May 223rd I had surgery in my left eye.  I have a condition called canaliculitis -  after trying various treatments I went ahead with the surgery.  The doctor had told me that it is the only thing that works. Apparently he removed stones and inserted a shunt!!!!!!!!  My eye does, in fact, 2 days later, feel better.  I can actually open it in the morning.

So all of the above is to let you know I am alive and of course - just distraught over what is happening, and therefore won't say a word.  Or, maybe one.


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