Thursday, November 23, 2023


My heart is a prisoner in Gaza.



My computer reminds me today is Thanksgiving.  My favorite holiday in America now all but forgotten - no celebrations here, there never were of course. It is a uniquely American celebration.  But today, of all days? The day 50 hostages, mothers and children, were supposed to have been returned.  I am not sure whether I wrote this in any previous post, but I will only believe IN their return if and when it actually happens, and we see it happening. This is beyond cruel, in a series of ongoing cruelty and torture that began on October 7th. 

So, to all of you whom I hold dear in America, enjoy your families, treasure your children, and your parents.  Be thankful for warmth and love and nourishment. Be thankful for the food and the blessings in your life. 

And let us hope and pray they are never taken away.

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