Sunday, July 23, 2023


Yesterday was my birthday - July 22.  I have to say it was the strangest birthday in my 76 years  on this planet.  Of course I have no recollection of my early, formative years - who knows, there may have been a foreshadowing - speculative.

I am at the tail end of my first bout with Corona!!!!!!  How I got it is a mystery, but exactly the Saturday before my birthday I was slammed!  

I came out of quarantine the day before my birthday, and my first and only foray into the outside oven was to the recycling bin.  

To add to the strangeness of it all, I have spent my past many birthdays in the United States, in California. Israel is 10 hours ahead of California, So speaking to people was as topsy turvy as is everything these days. In other words, I did not speak to friends in the States until late in the day.  As my day was finishing, greetings came in until late into the night.   

A birthday dinner arranged by my sister was celebrated without me!  

All of this adds to my surreal experience of the present times.

Amidst all these happening, it is  uplifting to witness, once again, the wonderful, brave, resilient, humanist, indomitable, spirit of the Israeli people.

Is this going to prevail?

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