Saturday, November 21, 2020


 I really don't know what title to give to this post.  I believe somewhere along the line during this year of 2020 I may have mentioned that I basically have a two word vocabulary - unbelievable and horrendous.

The other day while walking around the Marina with a friend we discussed the latest horror shows since the election.  The orange monster's refusal to concede, his Dracula-like lawyer making ridiculous claims, the populace who actually believe this nonsense.  She said it is 'unbelievable' and I responded saying that was my word of choice - sadly, no more.  I find it horrifyingly believable.  What for me is more unbelievable is that Biden did actually win, in other words, a few million more than the 70 + million who voted for the monster did vote for the voice of sanity and democracy.  Unbelievable that many people do wear masks and don't think Covid 19 is a hoax.  Unbelievable is the fact that there really are those who take precautions, who care about the people around them.  

All the other horrors that beset our every waking moment are now believable.

This is how democracy dwindles and vanishes.  Please, let us not allow it to happen.

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