Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The end of days?


The photo on the left taken at 7.30 a.m, facing east, the photo on the righ at 12.00 p.m. facing west.

Yesterday's morning sun which I thought was eerie until I awoke to night to day.

I am at a loss for words - other than unbelievable and horrendous.  I will post 3 watercolour pictures I have painted of sunsets since the start of the fires. 

1 comment:

Marianna said...

It was SO strange to wake up to that strange dark orange sky. Phones can't really even capture the depth of that terrifying color.
There are no words for this situation. The one that keeps coming to me is bleak, and that seems like and understatement... But I love these painting so much. You are so gifted, these really capture the mood and felt sense of the strangeness of life these days. That red rimmed sun... OMG! Chilling.