This morning I received a whats app from my sister. Someone narrates that Netanyahu has to go - enough of his narcissism, his insatiable greed, his lies, his corruption, his manipulations, his put down of the 'radical left', his betrayals, his control over the henchmen he has appointed ...........
Everything could be, and is, synonymous with our orange monster and his henchmen, with Kim Jong-un, with Lukashenko, Putin, Erdogan, Modi, and on, and on ...... ad nauseum.
As I said in my entry entitled Acquiescence, everything and everyone is interconnected, and that is one of our lessons to be realised in this pandemic.
I know I have struggled mightily lately to keep afloat with all that surrounds us, compounded by the fires and the noxious air.
Yes, everything is interconnected - and all over the world we see male leaders united in their quest for power and absolute control, for avarice, for utter contempt of the planet and its inhabitants. It is not just our orange monster -
We are in the midst of a major paradigm shift - a desperate struggle between power over vs. power within, dominion.
So we are witness to a planetary movement - protests, strikes. People are uniting to denounce racism, corruption, greed - people are rising up to demand justice - the right to health care, to education, to unpolluted food and water, the right to breathe, the right to live!
These desperate leaders bring out their military might to crush opposition, but I can see and feel and know it will not be crushed. We are in the midst of an enormous transition. We feel now as if we are moving blindfolded, in the dark. We do not see signs, there are no roadmaps, we don't know where we are going, we are lost in the wilderness. But there is a massive change fomenting. And we are all part of it. Each of us has a role to play, the farmers, the labourers, the fishermen, the teachers, the doctors, the nurses, the parents, the artists, the actors, the poets - and each of us is working to change to the best of our own abilities. And it is not easy, and we get depressed and feel hopeless and scared. We feel abandoned and alone. We are in unknown territory. We lose faith and will.
BUT we cannot lose that glimmer of light, of hope. There will be a change, and if not in our lifetimes, in those of our children and grandchildren.
Things will not be same as before, 'as soon as there is a vaccine." That is an illusion propagated by the monsters who think the millions they are pouring into looking for a cure will 'fix' everything and the world will continue as greedily and thoughtlessly as before.
I don't believe there will be a quick fix the novel coronavirus. I don't believe there will be a quick fix with a different government. This undercurrent of change will go on - and eventually there will be some light.
I do believe there is an overview of all that is happening now. Hopefully lessons will be learned, and things will be different.