Thursday, May 7, 2020

Covid Continues

I was a little ill over the weekend (NOT the virus, apparently there are other things) and so was out of commission.

I resumed my walks a few days ago, but walked through the flatlands. Today it was back into the hills and look what I found.  So uplifting.

As car washes have reopened, off I went to my local car wash.  After the cashier and I exchanged pleasantries - him at the joy of being back to work, I began the drive into the tunnel of flashing lights and jets of water.  OMG - I almost forgot what to do - close windows, car in neutral, foot off brake - so much to do at once!  Then it was off to fill up - mask, gloves, petrol pump - what to do next? My sluggish brain began to reset.  I realised I am absolutely unprepared for the rigours of the world outside my house and its immediate surroundings.

A strange push/pull has begun.  There are those who want life to return to 'normal.'  It is hard to fathom that, in fact, it will never return to what was.  And of course, our idiot and his cohorts continue to model their defiance and arrogance.  No masks on visits to clinics and factories!!!!!! Demonstrate for your 'freedom' and 'rights' without any regard to the rational voices of science, or to our fellow human beings.

OK, enough, rant over.

For the most part I have eschewed listening to news or even watching TV, other than as a background evening distraction - I love the nature shows as  well as those on the origins and culture of the Pacific Islanders, the Pomo Indians and so on.

So, that is where I am now, as life with covid continues ......

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