Friday, March 1, 2019

Major Freak Out

Oh Goodness, two mice dead - how many to go.

I feel just awful. After 6 weeks of sonic devices and humane traps and absolutely no outcome, I invested in a couple of inhumane traps.  After a few nights of droppings around the traps I was about to give up and get rid of all of them.  I mistakenly left one out that same night, and as I was falling asleep - whup, a lethal chop. I did not go to check on anything, I knew what it was and couldn't face it. The next morning I peeked between my fingers and yes - saw it all. Paper bags, rubber gloves, dry heaves, heavy waves of guilt and nausea overcame me, and the thing landed in the garbaage.  Now I have been wracked with guilt at taking a life, and no one is able to reassure me.  Yesterday I was conducting a skype consultation at 8.00 a.m. when, out of the corner of my eye a mouse ran into my study.   Sooooo, consultation with landlords, more money spent on traps, both lethal and 'humane' - traps set and early this morning - another one.  Goodness knows how many there are.  I am mostly allergic to cats and never know how allergic I am until I spend some time with them!

It has been pouring with rain and water has been coming into my  bedroom.  Ants are everywhere, I kind of feel like I am in a house of horrors.  As I have written about before, I do not peacefully coexist with all of God's little creatures.  I know on the evolutionary scale mice and ants are fairly mild, but obviously in my limbic system the fight or flight reaction is activated - I am no longer dealing with large predatory animals, but for me these smaller versions are not much different.

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