Saturday, May 19, 2018

Another Shooting

Despite HWSNBM's thoughts and prayers, and suggestions of fully armed teachers, etc. yet another school shooting - in Texas. 10 killed.

I wrote that yesterday, it is now yhe day after and this tragedy has hardly hit the headlines, superseded by the Royal Wedding. I am waiting for the students to continue their fight for bans on assault weapons and against gun violence. I know they will.As I have written before, I just do not understand the need for weapons and the need to slaughter each other. I don't understand it on any level. It is all around us, in Syria, in Israel, in Africa, in Asia. I retreat more and more from this reality which surrounds us.

And in answer to your unspoken query, yes, I have returned from my travels.

I was in Israel and I returned on April 27th, and am going through the attendant PID - Post Israel Depression. I really think this should be in the DSM. Maybe it applies to everyone who lives in one country, but was born and raised in another country, or who lived for any appreciable length of time in yet another country! This ambivalence or trivalence (if there is such a word - if not there should be) is not unique to me, and it is something I have grappled with for years upon years. Where is one's home? or what constitutes home?

No answers to anything, but I am back again, and shall continue with my occasional blog entry.


Johana said...

Welcome back Nesta! Sadly we are discussing another horrific shooting. When will our policymakers wake up and stop taking us down the same path that leads us back to more horrific shootings?

Nesta Rovina said...

Hi, thanks for your welcome! and comment. I hope we can get together soon. I don't see any light, do you?

Johana said...

I am sad to say I don't. I pray for our children but only see the situation getting worse.