Monday, January 29, 2018

My present thoughts

Hi there. These are my chirpy musings for anyone who has been following some of my recent posts about being ill.

I am well aware that almost everyone I know, and those I don't know, have been ill, or are ill, this season. This despite the fact that people have received the flu vaccination, and/or have been boosting their immune systems with vitamin supplements, tinctures, elixirs, syrups, hand washing, avoiding contact with public places, and so on. A multitude of people beginning to live like Howard Hughes!

After my bout with pneumonia, I began acupuncture treatments. The acupuncturist told me that an unusually large amount of people had contracted pneumonia last summer.

So - I am going to go out on a limb with my musings.

It is my opinion that the immune system of our planet is depressed. It is impossible to separate ourselves from our environment, and our environment is ailing. The more we pollute our planet and destroy its natural healing ecosystems, the sicker we will all become.

This does not mean that I am about to embark on a totally dissolute non-caring path, but just to be aware that there are no miracle cures and instant fixes.


Johana said...

I think you are on to something Nesta. My office is filled with sounds of coughing coming from every corner or sneezes that break the sound barrier. I am trying to keep my distance because I had my flu battles over the holidays and a few times I felt something trying to return and I rubbed my chest and feet with Vicks vapor rub. The weather is warm right now but these bugs are not going anywhere.

Nesta Rovina said...

Really warm, and apparently soon very cold again!!!! And everyone I know is fighting off something or other. Take care