Saturday, July 13, 2024


Shabat today.  The temperature outside is 33 degrees (that is about 98 fahrenheit) humidity is at 63 %. In other words, not a day to venture outside - I swam this morning in the lovely pool - only 4 of us were enjoying the water, until the grandkids came at 11.  I am at home catching up on things, listening to Rhiannon Giddens on Spotify. I have neither looked at, nor listened to any news for 2 days. I truly can't handle it. Tonight I will go to the demonstration at the bridge and get caught up with everything.  I know there is a march to Jerusalem demanding that Netanyahu go with the 'deal' to release the hostages. I will also hear about that later.

With the suffocating heat we are all suffering from - all over the world, I wonder why countries bother to send armies to battle, we will all just fry anyway - we don't need to kill each other on top of it all.

So here is some of my recent art. 

Mount Sinai, in pastels.  Whether sub consciously or not,  I began this on Shavuot - the time Moses received the Torah.

The above is in pencil, I have entitled it (with apologies to Thich Nhat Hanh - No mud, no lotus."  So far we have plenty mud.

This week I attended to second get together of "Women Promote Peace."  We met on Sunday in a beautiful sustainable farm.  Really heartwarming, and nice to see people again, but it is but an infinitesimal drop in the great bloody ocean.

And on that uplifting note - shabat shalom.